NAD+ IV Therapy: A Powerful Molecule of Youth

NAD is a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide that is a coenzyme found in all living cells. This coenzyme has been called an anti-aging molecule because of a host of essential roles it plays in promoting health and prolonging the lifespan.

This powerful molecule has great potential for new therapeutic opportunities. Studies have shown that it can help battle the effects of aging and chronic conditions on the human body and brain.

What is NAD+, What does it make & how it benefits the body?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide has two forms: one active and one inactive. In its active form, it is known as NAD+, and in its inactive form, it is called NADH.

Scientists discovered NAD+ and started studying its benefits in the early 1900s, but only in recent years, we are using its full potential.

Because of the role, it plays in so many biological processes, scientists and doctors are now looking for different ways it can be used to maintain healthy organs and neurological systems in the human body.

NAD+ is what’s called a “helper molecule” because it binds to other enzymes in the body to activate them and generate molecular reactions. For example, proteins called “sirtuins,” which are responsible for carrying out many biological processes within the human body, are required for the coenzyme to function properly.

Biological Processes Aided By NAD+ are as follows:

  • repairing and protecting DNA;
  • gene expression;
  • extracting cellular energy from nutrition;
  • maintaining mitochondrial function;
  • chromosomal integrity preservation;
  • calcium signaling;
  • epigenetic and posttranslational modifications.

In layman’s terms, we need NAD+ to live. As we get older, our bodies generate less coenzyme and this is a reason why we begin to feel the effects of aging and become more prone to age-related illnesses as the years pass by.

One of the ways you can supplement NAD+ in your body is through IV therapy. This is a holistic, all-natural way to help your body fight against aging and illness to feel healthier and more youthful.

What is NAD+ IV Therapy?

IV therapy and IV nutrition can refer to a variety of options during which your body receives intravenous infusions of different vitamins and supplements. These infusions can promote certain aspects of your health or increase your overall feeling of wellness.

Infusing your body with NAD+ via an IV drip is the only way to ensure that you get 100% bioavailability from the molecule. This means that your body will absorb the highest possible supplemental coenzymes and convert them into molecular energy.

Oral supplements of NAD do exist, but it is difficult for your body to absorb NAD+ this way and thus hard to guarantee results. Currently, IV therapy is the safest and most efficient way of supplementing the coenzyme in your body.

NAD+ IV Therapy benefits include:

  • slows cognitive decline;
  • promotes healthy brain function;
  • fights chronic fatigue;
  • increases energy;
  • boosts metabolism;
  • regenerates cells;
  • slows down the aging;
  • reduces internal inflammation.

Benefits of NAD+ Infusion Therapy for Your Brain

People often describe feeling like a mental fog has been lifted after undergoing NAD+ therapy. This overall improvement in mental sharpness helps clients feel better day by day and contributes to their overall feelings of wellness.

Furthermore, one of the most noticeable side effects of getting old is a decline in cognitive function. Forgetting things, lack of concentration and general mental fogginess are some of the more specific outcomes.

A simple NAD+ IV infusion can help activate your brain’s neuron function by helping cells regenerate and protect them against damage. This results in increased mental cognition, including better mental clarity, higher concentration, and enhanced memory function.

This overall boost in brain function can also help clients overcome other types of mental struggles. IV therapy can help you battle against common conditions like depression, anxiety, and mood disorders.

NAD+ Infusion Therapy: Boost Your Energy Levels and Metabolism

Whether you’re fighting chronic fatigue due to illness or just feeling the effects of getting older, NAD+ can make you feel more energetic and put a spring back in your step again. A coenzyme infusion administered intravenously helps provide energy to your body’s cells on a molecular level.

Besides improving your overall energy, NAD+ also contributes to a healthy metabolism. Smoothly-functioning metabolism is an important part of dealing with weight management and blood sugar issues.

Other Physical Benefits of NAD IV Infusions

Since it is one of your body’s natural coenzymes that promotes cell regeneration, supplementing NAD+ levels through an IV drip can reduce inflammation and help your body recover from an injury faster. The coenzyme also assists in the activation of poly ADP-ribose polymerases (PARPS) to repair damaged DNA inside your body.

Who is a good candidate for NAD+ IV Therapy?

Anyone who suffers from reduced energy levels, feels sluggish and fatigued, or feels like their mind is continuously foggy can be a great candidate for this type of IV treatment. Replenishing your body’s NAD+ levels can drastically reduce these types of feelings and provide additional benefits.

People struggling with the side effects of aging or suffering from certain age-related illnesses or chronic conditions are also excellent candidates for the therapy. However, these infusions can also be beneficial for healthy individuals in terms of a prevention program.

For example, NAD+ is often recommended for athletes who want to enhance their performance and endurance and speed up their recovery times after intense exercise or an injury.

NAD+ IV Infusion Therapy may be good for people with:

  • Alzheimer’s disease;
  • Parkinson’s disease;
  • heart disease;
  • diabetes;
  • mitochondrial dysfunction;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • anxiety/depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • memory/concentration issues.

You don’t have to wait until you start experiencing age-related issues or illnesses to use NAD+ therapy to your advantage. IV supplementation may help delay the aging process and lower the risk of certain medical conditions in healthy individuals.

Additionally, IV nutrition can be beneficial for athletes who want to give their bodies an extra NAD+ boost. This supplementation can improve your endurance, performance, and recovery.

Finally, there is some evidence to show that NAD+ may be beneficial for individuals battling substance addictions. For example, it can help repair brain cells that have been damaged by substance abuse and regenerate opiate receptors to reduce cravings and the side effects of withdrawals.

If you are interested in asking some more questions concerning the therapy or you’ve got any doubts before resolving whether to start NAD+ therapy or not, please contact us now!